This error occurs on the printer because the file is damaged due to slicing interruption or the file format is incorrect. When the printer displays this error interface, please click the "Confirm" button first.
(1) Reslice and save the slice file to the desktop first, and then copy it to the USB flash drive.
Note: When the slicing file is relatively large, if you save it directly from the slicing software to a USB flash drive, pulling out the USB flash drive during the saving process will cause the slicing file to be damaged and the device cannot parse the file.
(2)Please note when naming the file that the printer can only recognize the file format with ".gcode" as the file suffix. Please check if your file meets this formatting requirement. You may have copied the unsliced model file directly to the USB flash drive, causing the device to be unable to parse the file. The printer also cannot recognize special characters, so it is recommended to use English or numerical names. At the same time, please ensure that the file path level is not too high, and the file exists in at most two folders.
Please ensure that the storage capacity of the USB flash drive you use does not exceed128GB. If the capacity of the USB flash drive you use exceeds 128GB, please try to replace it with a USB flash drive with a capacity of less than 128GB.
Please try to format the USB flash drive in "FTA32 4096 bytes" mode to ensure that the formatting method is correct.