(1) Please note that Kobra 3 Max can only recognize file formats with ".gcode "file suffix. Please check that your file meets this format requirement. It is possible that you copied the unsliced model file directly to the USB flash drive, causing the file to be unrecognized.
(2)Kobra 3 Max can not recognize too special characters, it is recommended to use English or numerical naming. At the same time, please make sure that the file path hierarchy is not too large, and the file does not exist in more than two folders, otherwise the file may not be correctly identified.
(3) If only one slice file is not recognized, try restarting the printer or re-slicing the model first.
Please try to format the USB flash drive in FAT32, 4096 bytes, and then re-slice the model and save it to the formatted USB flash drive. If the USB flash drive is still not recognized, please try another USB flash drive.
Note: When saving the slicing file, please save the slicing file to the desktop before copying the file to the USB flash drive. When removing the USB flash drive, do not pull out the USB flash drive directly to avoid data loss. The USB flash drive needs to be ejected safely through the computer.
Please insert the USB flash drive into the computer to check whether it can be recognized. If the computer can recognize the USB flash drive but the printer still cannot read it, then the USB interface of the printer is damaged. The customer needs to replace the USB adapter board.