Unzip the generated compressed file and drag all 5 STL files into the slicing software at once. When prompted to load these files as a multi-part object, Click 'Yes'.
Select the Anycubic Kobra 3 machine, set the filament parameters to 'Anycubic PLA', and set the colors to Cyan (#0086D6), Magenta (#EC008C), Yellow (#F4EE2A), and White (#FFFFFFF) respectively; the colors only need to be close enough for marking purposes.
Click on 'Object List' and set the corresponding colors for the 5 file names:
Select the corresponding slicing parameters '3D Photo 0.1mm', and slice.
Place the CMYK four-color set into the ACE Pro, and in 'Filament Editing', set their corresponding types and colors:
After logging into the slicing software, initiate mapping and printing.
Unzip the generated compressed file and open the Readme file to check the model parameters, then import the STL files into the slicing software.
Select Anycubic Kobra 3 as the printer, choose 'Anycubic PLA' for the filament parameters, refer to the color types in the Readme file, add and create the corresponding filament quantities and colors; select the slicing parameters '3D Photo 0.8mm', and slice.
Use the slider on the right to color by layer height; refer to the different layer numbers for each color in the Readme file, move the slider, click, and color from bottom to top.
After color by layer height is completed, click 'Return Editor', click 'Gcode Preview', and slice again.
Slicing is complete. There are 4 filaments on the left, which means they are effective.
Place the Anycubic PLA filaments corresponding to the Readme file into the ACE Pro, and in 'Filament Editing', set their corresponding types and colors.
After logging into the slicing software, initiate mapping and printing.
For Bambu & Orca slicing and printing, refer to the following tutorials: