(1) First click the "Settings" icon - "Device" - "Printer information" from the display screen to check whether the firmware version is the latest version. If the arrow below appears after the firmware version, then the printer's firmware is not the latest version, please click the arrow to upgrade.
(2) The display screen will pop up to find new firmware version, please click "OK" to update the firmware.
(3) After the firmware update is complete, please restart the printer to check whether the firmware is updated.
(1) Click the "Settings" icon - "Device" - "ACE 1 Information" from the display screen to check whether the firmware version is the latest version. If the arrow below appears after the firmware version, then the firmware is not the latest version, please click the arrow to upgrade the firmware.
(2) The display screen will pop up to find new mcu ACE firmware version, please click "OK" to update the firmware.
(3) Click "Comfirm" to complete the firmware update of ACE Pro.
If the printer still displays this error message after the firmware is updated, please check whether the slicing parameters are set correctly and whether the slicing file is abnormal.
Restart ACE Pro and the printer. After the restart, please continue printing to check whether the printer still reports error.
If the printer still reports this error after restarting, please reinsert the ACE Pro signal cable.
(1)If it does not work, please reinsert the cable from the mainboard to the driver board by following the instruction below.
Kobra S1- Motherboard replacement guide
(2)Then refer to the following instruction from the driver board to reinsert the motherboard and driver board cable.
Kobra S1- Print head case removal instruction
(1)Remove the print head according to the following document, check whether the cable between the print head board and the motherboard is loose, and then reinsert the cable between the motherboard and the print head board.
Kobra S1- Print head board replacement guide
(2)Then refer to the following documents from the motherboard to reinsert the motherboard and printing board connection.
Kobra S1- Motherboard replacement guide